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Servers & Domains Management
One stop for cloud management

Web Server Panel

Cloud Manager
Allows centralized administration from a web interface of multiple cluster member servers. Allows cluster resources to be managed in a transparent manner.


Main features of WSPanel Cloud Manager

Cloud Monitor

Cloud Manager

Manage and montor all servers from one interface

Server Monitor

Server health status

Monitor all important aspect of server health

Server configuration

Server configuration

Configure each server with all services associated


Customers management

Manage customers data. Impersonate to details


Domains manager

Domains, aliases, emails, dbs, statistics, etc


Server & Domain backup

Manage server backup or individual domain.

Drag and Drop - Astroid Framework

Fast. Small. API based.

Written in GO and VueJS
WSPanel is developed to make your cloud management work easier than ever. With the provided feature, you can create easily and fast manage servers, customers and domains.

Project in development.

Launch date November 1, 2020